All That Yale Is and All That Yale Does
Yale Planetary Solutions (YPS) seeks to drive planetary solutions through all that Yale is, from our students, faculty, staff, and alumni, to our buildings, collections, and campus, and all that Yale does—teaching, learning, researching, building, operating, convening, investing, and leading. To bring all of Yale’s strengths to bear on producing pioneering, scalable solutions, YPS runs signature programs that convene experts from across campus and fund transformative research projects. More programs and projects are being developed and will be launched soon.
In support of training leaders to solve the complex challenges of today – and tomorrow – Yale Planetary Solutions (YPS) is working in partnership with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the professional schools to offer the Yale Planetary Solutions Doctoral Fellowship.
Attend one (or more!) of our upcoming ColLABoratories to help stimulate new interdisciplinary collaborations. Check back this fall for more information.
ColLABoratories are open to the entire campus community and are intended to bring potential collaborators together to explore ideas, form connections, and brainstorm new opportunities in a collegial setting. Thanks to all who participated in the 2024 ColLabs!
YPS seeks to build communities of practice across campus. Please inform this work by completing this brief survey.
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