Assistant Professor of Energy Systems
Narasimha Rao's research examines the relationship between energy systems, human development and climate change. He is the recipient of the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2015-2019) for a project entitled Decent Living Energy -energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards for all. His research interests also include investigating income inequality, infrastructure, and climate policy. His methods include household energy modeling, econometrics, input-output, and policy analysis.
Rao is also a Senior Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and an Adjunct Fellow at the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment in Bangalore, India. He obtained his PhD from Stanford University, California, in the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) in August 2011. He has previous master's degrees in electrical engineering and technology policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His professional experience includes four years as a Visiting Faculty at the Indian Institute of Management's Center for Public Policy in Bangalore, India, and seven years of consulting in the electricity industry in the US