Imagine, Write, Invent, and Build a Sustainable Future at Sci X Sci-Fi, March 31-April 3

February 25, 2025
Imagine a future you are excited to live in, that you can’t wait to get to. If it’s difficult, you’re not alone. Dystopic visions of the future dominate popular culture, but what if we empower each other with hope by letting ourselves dream? That’s why Yale Planetary Solutions is launching Sci X Sci-Fi, a new conversation between world builders and those innovating and inventing. 
Why science fiction? Hope and optimism.  Sci-Fi can depict anything from apocalyptic scenarios to utopian futures and everything in between. This event series welcomes an exploration of the full spectrum, with a focus on conceivable pathways to a more desirable tomorrow.  By articulating the innovations and actions that would be necessary to realize a sustainable, resilient, thriving, prosperous future, we can inspire the science, technology, policies, communications, and behavior changes required to get there.
Through creative outlets like fiction, which depicts what could be, new ideas that at first seem fantastical can begin to take shape. When shared widely, dreams begin to seem more realistic, and they can lead to new ways of solving planetary challenges with practical solutions.
Join us for any or all of the week’s Sci X Sci-Fi events, to bring together art and science, fantasy and reality, to mitigate fear and engender hope. Registration for all events is free. 
Monday, March 31
What: Sci X Sci-Fi Kickoff and Fireside Discussion: Writing and Building a Sustainable Future
The series will open with our first creator-in-residence, journalist and science fiction author Annalee Newitz. The fireside discussion with Annalee and Carl Zimmer, Yale lecturer and New York Times writer, will center on visions of a future world where societal structures are more equitable, and solutions to environmental problems have been found. 
When: March 31, 2025 from 4:00-5:00 pm
Where: Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Room 101
Open To: General Public
Tuesday, April 1
What: Climate Fiction’s Role in Building a Sustainable World
Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction) is an emerging genre inspiring world builders and innovators to imagine sustainable, thriving futures through speculation based on climate science. Science fiction author and journalist Annalee Newitz’s book, The Terraformers, is an uplifting exploration of a future centering a cast of characters devoted to maintaining ecosystem balance. Students who have read The Terraformers, or other works, including journalism, by Annalee are invited to come prepared with questions and join us for a conversation over dinner with Annalee and Luke Sanford, Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and Governance at Yale School of the Environment, about the role of climate fiction in climate solutions. 
Open to: Invited Attendees
Wednesday, April 2
What: Green Chemistry and Engineering “Pitch” Breakfast
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to hear green chemistry and engineering students “pitch” their research projects and exchange with Annalee Newitz. Using promising technologies as a foundation to envision a sustainable future, participants will practice communicating about research with a lens of positivity and hope. The breakfast will be hosted by Yale research specialist Hanno Erythropel
When: April 2, 2025 from 9:00-10:30 am
Where: TBD
Open To: Yale Community
What: BIOMES Seminar: Avoiding Dystopia, in Theory and Practice 
Yes, we can still save Earth. Annalee Newitz will discuss how to get out of dystopian doomscrolling paralysis by using one of the most powerful tools of science fiction: worldbuilding. This storytelling technique helps us prepare for many possible futures, without ever losing sight of evidence gleaned from historical data and practical experience. 
About BIOMESOver the last fourteen years, the Yale School of the Environment (YSE) has hosted this weekly seminar series. The school’s flagship forum is designed to bring cutting-edge research and impactful work to the community. BIOMES stands for ‘Bridging Issues & Optimizing Methods in Environmental Studies.” The series is a community-sourced and student-led effort to bring different perspectives to YSE’s main stage.
When: April 2, 2025 from 12:00-1:00 pm
Where: Yale School of the Environment, Burke Auditorium
Open To: Yale Community
What: Benjamin Franklin College Tea with Authors Annalee Newitz and Coco Ma
Challenge dystopic narratives of the future and empower yourself and others by crafting and building visions of a sustainable, thriving future through fiction and science. Hosted by Head of College Jordan Peccia and moderated by author Coco Ma, the College Tea event in Yale Planetary Solution’s weeklong Sci X Sci-Fi series is an opportunity for undergraduate students to informally ask questions and have a casual conversation with Annalee. Afternoon tea and treats will be provided, and participants can enter a raffle to win a copy of Annalee’s book, The Terraformers
When: April 2, 2025 from 4:00-5:30 pm
Where: Benjamin Franklin College Common Room (90 Prospect Street)
Open To: Yale Students
Thursday, April 3
What: Fireside Discussion and Reception: Re-Writing Our Climate’s Future by Embracing Creativity and Optimism
Annalee and other panelists will discuss what it will take to create a thriving, sustainable future for all – in cities new and old – and pathways for technology and creativity to combine to make that vision a reality. This event will conclude the first edition of the Yale Planetary Solutions Sci X Sci-Fi series and will be followed by light refreshments.
When: April 3, 2025 from 4:00-6:00 pm
Where: New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm Street
Open To: General Public
We look forward to seeing you during Sci X Sci-Fi! 
For questions, email YPS at